Spinal Decompression Testimonials

Elizabeth MacFarland
The decompression process works wonders!
I have had back problems for most of my life. The severe pain began when I was in grade six and had to walk 1.2 miles each way to school, carrying a backpack that was twice my weight. I had steroid injections into my spine and have been in physical therapy on two different occasions at two different places. I tried the decompression therapy after I had my first exam and follow up consultation with Dr. Goss. Now, I am better able to play with my children and can stand longer to be able to cook for the family.
I can get my son ready for bed and get him dressed and ready for school more easily. The technology that this office has is like nothing I have ever seen in any doctor’s office. I would definitely do the decompression process again. It works wonders!
They teach you how to take care of your back
My primary care physician said it was my sacral iliac that was causing my discomfort, so he gave me pain pills. A basic specialist gave me more pain pills and told me to come back in a month. A co-worker of my husband recommended a chiropractor. I was in horrendous pain and was losing weight. When I came to Goss Chiropractic, I was in so much pain and weighed 20-25 pound less than usual. He sent me for an MRI and the MRI reported that I had three herniated discs among other problems.
After being with Goss Chiropractic for some time, I am now able to go out to dinner with my husband and do regular shopping and housework. I liked the individual rooms at the office and the professionalism in the office. Also, the staff is friendly and helpful, and they teach you how to take care of your back; things I never knew about!
Laura Pavlik-Lombardi
Spinal Discomfort Testimonial:
Since starting at Goss Chiropractic I have noticed a steady continuous improvement in my health.
Throughout my life I have dealt with continued spinal discomfort. The kind of pain that I suffered with really made my days difficult to function. I have tried many different things in search of relief. Massage therapy, physical therapy, meds and even chiropractic. Since starting at Goss Chiropractic I have noticed a steady continuous improvement in my health. I have more movement in my neck, I am more relaxed and not tense. I appreciate all that the doctors and Staff have done and how they are very friendly and welcoming. The speedy yet thorough care is fantastic.
Janet Lane
Sciatic Nerve Condition Testimonial:

Muriel Machin
Now I can walk with no problems
I have had a painful sciatic nerve condition for the past 35 years. I could not walk without severe pain and would have to use the walls and furniture within my home to keep from falling down in constant pain. Traveling in the car would require frequent stops since sitting irritated the nerve and created severe pain. At Goss Chiropractic I was amazed at the fast, friendly, and competent service that I received while in the office. The doctors are very knowledgeable and explained to me exactly what was going on with my condition. They gave me exercises to do so that I could play an active role in my treatment and now I can walk with no problems.
Severe Migraine & Headache Testimonials:

Jackie Chirstner
Since beginning chiropractic care I have had good results and have noticed a positive change in my condition.
I have suffered with severe migraines since I was eleven years old. When they attacked I would have to stay at home. I would avoid many different social situations because of the pain. Since beginning chiropractic care I have had good results and have noticed a positive change in my condition. I love the fact that there is no waiting when I go to Goss Chiropractor clinics. They respect my time and are very professional and friendly.

Dave Tuscany
I am getting great results and that is what counts.
For over twenty years I suffered from chronic headaches. I tried just about every thing known to man to resolve the pain. I tried drugs, acupuncture, nerve block treatments, massage, electric stimulation, ultra sound and more drugs. I was taking up to 70 Excedrin per week. By following the advice of the doctors and staff at Goss Chiropractic Clinics, I have made a 90% recovery and I have not even completed my treatment plan. I think that when I complete, it I will have a total recovery. I would recommend Goss Chiropractic Clinics to anyone who suffers from the pain of headaches. I am getting great results and that is what counts. I also like the friendly staff and the fact that they never make you wait for service. I get in and out quickly so the appointments don’t impact my schedule. I also appreciate that the doctors are always positive and reassuring. Thank you!
Severe Hip Pain Testimonial:

Keeley Weber
I can move without pain and virtually everything I do is easier.
I had a car accident twenty years ago that resulted in a severe whiplash injury as well as leaving me with severe hip pain. Over the years the pain got worse to the point that I could not sleep at night and during the day a could not move well. I assumed I was getting arthritis from the injuries, and took a lot of Motrin, used heat pads and got a lot of massages. This provided only short-term relief. I was searching on line to try to find something that might help me when I came across the Goss chiropractic website. I decided to try chiropractic and I am thankful that I did. I now have much more energy. I can move without pain and virtually everything I do is easier. I recommend Goss chiropractic not only for the results but the two offices are the cleanness most professionally run and most friendly of any Doctors office I have ever been in. The doctors are personable, intelligent and always educating the client. This is a great place.
Adjustment Testimonial:

Stephanie Yu
The night after my son’s first adjustment was the first night that my son was able to sleep the entire night.
My son had been suffering from night terrors since the age of 2. On average, he had these terrors 4 nights per week. I spoke to my son’s pediatrician and the doctor who said that these night terrors would pass with time. During one of my adjustments, I had briefly spoken to Dr. Feddes about my sons night terrors; he encouraged me to bring him in. Dr. Feddes explained that irritation to my son’s nervous system could be putting him out of balance. By removing this irritation with an adjustment, it could help. The night after my son’s first adjustment was the first night that my son was able to sleep the entire night. It was amazing. My favorite part about going to Goss Chiropractic Clinics is knowing that I am well taken care of and listened to.
Shoulder & Neck Testimonial:

Pamela Roy
I am now sleeping well again, and I have resumed all my physical activities.
I was getting right shoulder pain so badly that I was having problems sleeping, walking, sitting and even breathing. After a consultation at Goss Chiropractic Clinics, the doctors told me they thought they could help. I received adjustments to my neck and shoulder; in a very short time, I was feeling great again. I am now sleeping well again, and I have resumed all my physical activities. I am grateful to my friends for recommending Goss Chiropractic Clinics to me. The staff is great. The care is personal and thorough. I love the ability to have the whole family come in at a fair price.